Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If only we were all socialists ... truely enlightened socialists ... who actually wanted a better world

I'm not just metaphorically ... or defacto ... a socialist ... I really am a socialist. I care more about my fellow man than faceless, amoral corporations.  I care more about working families than people who have more wealth than ancient kings and emperors ever could have dreamed of yet pay no taxes ... yet pay not their fair share ... for the wealth gathered off the backs of the masses.  I care more about preserving the environment for every future generation of man and animal ... than I do for short term profits  or for local peoples rights to exploit nature for luxury homes and golf courses and yet another strip mall.  It is a bleak new world in which we live ... when most of the world has no free will ... nor a free mind ... Wall Street comprised of faceless immortal titans of destruction known as corporations decades ago linked hand and hand with religious zealots. Today they continue to set the world aflame. From literally burning people to burning forests ... catastrophic oil spills ... to altering the entirety of nature itself.  All while the masses either starve to death or die from obesity. The post industrial world wallows in orgies of self pleasure (America, Japan, Europe, etc.) while most of the rest of the world is forced to deforest priceless environments ... forced to over fish the oceans ... forced to lay open the earth and wreak havoc upon the planet ... just for daily survival.  This bleak new world has very little hope ... as reason, logic, rational thought and enlightenment thinking fall upon the funeral pyre ... the great book burning of truth ... I can't help but shed a tear and feel nothing but bitter regret.  Socialist ... communist ... democrat ... republican ... how do any of those terms ... those fleeting identifiers have any meaning at all with the backdrop of utter destruction and cataclysm that is the world today??  Man will either learn (and quickly) to live for each other ... or die while living only for ones self ... my money is sadly on the later.


  1. I agree. I don't know if this makes me a socialist, but, I can't help but think that we are approaching the end times. I truly hope not, because there are future generations I care about. But, sadly, the selfishness of humanity is such that so many scientific and technical advances are centered around things that bring personal satisfaction. So they can make a smaller phone that does more? So what. When was the last time we did anything cutting edge with space travel? Where is the science and money for (near) zero-waste processes? Why is it ok to just continue to bury our "old" shit under a layer of dirt and call it good? We are not doing enough fast enough, and our world is unhappy. Why do we continue to buy poisoned plastic garbage from China? Why can't we look after ourselves? Our government seems to just pour money into endevors that benefit big business. I hope things change soon.

  2. I feel the same way, the world has gone from not all that good to worse, and in the west most people are unable to see further ahead than a few weeks or months. We have created a bloated monster, a world based on debt, with inflated currencies unbacked by any asset but trust. Trust between countries that are at each other's throat. Banks have consolidated so much governments have to save them to prevent total armageddon, and still are unable to put a stop to speculation for the profit of few, at the expenses of everyone else.

    Honest work is not rewarded, instead it takes money to make money, a good education is becoming a luxury product for the well off, and having a job is no longer a remedy against poverty. Heck, you could have two jobs and still not be able to send your kids through university. Both communism and kapitalism have succumbed to egoism of the few, and people have become so bored with politics they won't even read about it, instead they just parrot what everybody else is saying. Dunno where it is gonna end, but it's not looking good at all.
