Friday, October 30, 2009

Malthusian Relief??

Here is an interesting article regarding global fertility rates from the Economist, I just thought I'd share.


Very interesting. Too little too late in my opinion ... but ... perhaps a little ray of sunlight. I think that population is only one part of the puzzle. Wealth = increases in consumption ... as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. become more wealthy ... consumption rates go up. Natural resources are harvested at an ever increasing rate, as mineral prices rise mining activity increases, etc. etc. the planet is impacted to a greater extent. So while overall population is important ... in the world of globalization ... fertility rates really don't say anything in and of themselves. I hate to say such horrible things, but I have come to feel that unless there is a global catastrophe which wipes out a few billion people, our species is likely doomed. It might take another 500 years but I don't think we will make it ... I hope I'm wrong ... I really do.  To close I will simply site a figure from the article ... "Assuming fertility falls at current rates, says the UN, the world’s population will rise from 6.8 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050, at which point it will stabilize." Imagine a world with 9.2 billion people ... imagine ... can you really argue against my theory that we are doomed??

Monday, October 26, 2009

The path of no return ...

I hate the denial that goes on in this country and the idiotic mindset that the good will of all the countries around the world is somehow irrelevant. Fortunately I think that rhetoric has died down a bit over the past several years. What is still occurring sadly though is the dumbing down of America combined with the surge in evangelical Christianity. That dynamic has really created some scary ideology in the mainstream out there these days.  I think the ever diminishing quality of main stream media and the poor quality of the educational system will ensure that American's by and large stay stupid.

Ok sort of switching gears but not really, just bare with me for a bit. I think that the power vacuum created with the fall of the communist block and the USSR really had some intellectual implications here in the US that not many people have acknowledged. I think it gave people ... even just the average Joe out there ... a sense of smug "we won" and to some extent that eroded the impact of the lessons we learned during the Vietnam experience. I think that what was already occurring in the mid 1980s was the beginning of the media revolution brought on by the widespread impacts of cable television, print media was beginning to undergo a transformation as well. From the mid to late 1970s many States in the US began to experience tremendous funding difficulties and this had widespread impact on education and social service. Through the 1980s these trends continued and by the early 1990s the media revolution was taking on a whole new scope with the early beginnings of the internet, with the global media networks like CNN and with over a decade of underfunding education and social services things were getting bad. Now in the late 1970s evangelical Christians began to unite in lobbying efforts and in efforts to effect policy change, to elect sympathetic politicians, etc. etc. All of these things were coalescing in the same decade ... by the 1990s the foundations of disaster were firmly in place. The election of George W. Bush all but sealed the fate of America ... and the rest is as we say history. Look at where we are today, not just because we elected a horrible president, but because we as a nation have been asleep for nearly 20 years. After Watergate the American people simply checked out and never really have seemed to check back in.  My feelings about America's hopes of regaining its senses are not very high, I just don't see how we can turn the ship around. People are so fixated on themselves now, the consumerism of the 1950s and 60s ... well it never stopped it simply progressed. The attitudes of the average citizen now is one of utter complacence regarding the political process, even those who do care seem to be woefully ill equipped to understand what is actually going on.

Ok hopefully here is where I pick back up on the starting passage. Many of those people sadly turn to the demagogues on the right like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, the 700 Club, or authors like  Glen Beck, Ayn Rand  (who was an atheist by the way) etc. etc. These sources are the ones which lead people down the path of "who cares what the rest of the world thinks" and "to hell with em nuke em if they don't like it." These are the forces which white wash consumerism, and the degradation of American financial stability, these sources advocate wholesale capitulation to corporate interests. Obviously those sources are also bombarding people with evangelicalism whether overtly or indirectly.  Of course there are forces on the far left that in ways are just as counter productive ... though I struggle to name one with the recognition and clout of those I just mentioned. So where are we headed as a nation? How can we plot any course different than that of the past 9 years? Again I hope somehow, some way ... we come to our senses collectively and stay the course with Obama and the Democrats and I hope somehow they manage to find a way to disengage us from this path.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Very disturbing stuff ...

"Aristocrats... fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society." --Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 1825. ME 16:96

I don't know what is more disturbing the allegations or the seizure of someones property based on twitter activity? Many crazed far right wing nuts out there who erroneously cite the founders based on made up quotes and ideas by bible thumping revisionists ... the reality is the mindset of the founders strongly favored civil liberty. Thomas Jefferson believed that citizens should overthrow the government periodically in order to insure the ideals of liberty and freedom remain fresh. Sadly what has occured over the past 230 or so years has been a vast erosion of those ideas, ideals and concepts. People today seem either totally oblivious to or quietly consigned to the lives of servitude they lead. When people do wake up and take notice and try to do something about it in a reasonable way they are bludgeoned by the pawns of the corporations, religious institutions and the new aristocracy. The wealthy, the powerful, the religious collude to smash and oppress anyone who questions whether or not our corrupt destructive form of capitalism should be changed. Our two party political system will endlessly allow the largest and most powerful (i.e. wealthiest) groups to maintain iron fisted control. Certainly there will be victories for the left ... but as with Obama being elected ... those victories are hollow. Corporations co-opt all viable liberal candidates long before they get into the white house. For example just look at how Obama has delt with the current economic crisis. He has designated most of the leaders of the old regime ... the very people who caused the problems in the first place ... to oversee the rebuilding. What else will happen than a simple reconstruction of the existing system? He is utterly beholden to the money-power elite of Wall Street. Wall Street long ago co-opted the religious right to serve as its foot soldiers on the free market, deregulation wars ... they were content to do so as long as they could continue championing prayer in school and anti-abortion legislation. This article though is simply another example of how really there is little anyone can do to make their voice heard in this once land of liberty. There is no liberty, there is no freedom, there is only servitude and enslavement to the masters of capital and consumerism.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My first post related to this topic ...

 This is an example of something that at first blush might seem innocuous, however I would say this is a jingoistic wingnut post. (Dragnet)

My response to it is this, the clip shows a couple of old white guys from the 1950s talking for the wingnut right wing. Is that the right message, hidden in some paternalistic tirade?

I'm no Obama white washer ... if he screws up .. its on him. But I think that most of the angry rhetoric being thrown at his administration right now is from those who voted for McCain (and for Bush before ... Read Morehim). So this stuff is nice for the Dub fans out there ... these statements are great for delusional people who think everything is A-OK and who want to go back to living under the tyranny of Jerry Falwell the Moral Majority and the wingnut fringe. Meanwhile the true masters behind the curtain on Wall Street go on destroying the middle class ... they are more than happy to allow no abortions and prayer in school in return for being able to do whatever they want. I'm tired of "political experts" over simplifying things with corny little soundbites on Fox and CNN and on youtube. I'm sorry but the warm fuzzy 1950s BS patriotism just doesn't solve problems, it keeps us from doing what needs to be done and it is used by those who want to preserve the status quo endlessly ... even if that course is leading us off a cliff. America is one massive American Idol, Brittany Spears/Paris Hilton who-ha watching bunch of idiots.

We need to WAKE up and pay attention and actually start voicing our concerns based on not buying in to the rhetoric from Wall Street or the 700 Club. Otherwise the wingnuts are going to win out and the normal citizens are going to get hosed ... yet again. Those who are happy letting the country be handed over to China on a silver platter (thanks Wal-Mart!) ... happy defying the will of the founders of our nation by allowing religious zealots to blend politics, government and religion ... keep it up ... keep voting Republican, cycle after cycle ... play right into the hands of the wingnuts. We won't end up with Mayberry or Life with Father or a John Wayne movie or Dragnet ... we'll end up with a broken nation more akin to Iran than the America we all love. We are in trouble like we haven't been since before World War II ... and a return to the policies of the Bush administration (which led us TO the present situation) won't help us.

I believe that despite the jingoism behind that clip ... for the most part Obama hears that message loud and clear. I however do not know if the fringe on both sides will allow the things that must be done  like effective health care reform or the major overhaul of our financial system in a way which stops permanently screwing the middle and lower class in this country. I have no confidence that the mob will allow anything meaningful to get done and the mob will point its finger at the easiest target to blame for such failure ... one President Barak Obama. The loony trailer park political experts in the country have already conveniently forgotten who and how we got into the current mess as a nation.

Good article on fringe politics in America

This is a great article pertaining to the somewhat unprecedented polarization (at least since the 1960s) in American Politics.

Good article on fringe politics in America

This is a great article pertaining to the somewhat unprecedented polarization (at least since the 1960s) in American Politics.