Sunday, October 25, 2009

Very disturbing stuff ...

"Aristocrats... fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society." --Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 1825. ME 16:96

I don't know what is more disturbing the allegations or the seizure of someones property based on twitter activity? Many crazed far right wing nuts out there who erroneously cite the founders based on made up quotes and ideas by bible thumping revisionists ... the reality is the mindset of the founders strongly favored civil liberty. Thomas Jefferson believed that citizens should overthrow the government periodically in order to insure the ideals of liberty and freedom remain fresh. Sadly what has occured over the past 230 or so years has been a vast erosion of those ideas, ideals and concepts. People today seem either totally oblivious to or quietly consigned to the lives of servitude they lead. When people do wake up and take notice and try to do something about it in a reasonable way they are bludgeoned by the pawns of the corporations, religious institutions and the new aristocracy. The wealthy, the powerful, the religious collude to smash and oppress anyone who questions whether or not our corrupt destructive form of capitalism should be changed. Our two party political system will endlessly allow the largest and most powerful (i.e. wealthiest) groups to maintain iron fisted control. Certainly there will be victories for the left ... but as with Obama being elected ... those victories are hollow. Corporations co-opt all viable liberal candidates long before they get into the white house. For example just look at how Obama has delt with the current economic crisis. He has designated most of the leaders of the old regime ... the very people who caused the problems in the first place ... to oversee the rebuilding. What else will happen than a simple reconstruction of the existing system? He is utterly beholden to the money-power elite of Wall Street. Wall Street long ago co-opted the religious right to serve as its foot soldiers on the free market, deregulation wars ... they were content to do so as long as they could continue championing prayer in school and anti-abortion legislation. This article though is simply another example of how really there is little anyone can do to make their voice heard in this once land of liberty. There is no liberty, there is no freedom, there is only servitude and enslavement to the masters of capital and consumerism.


  1. Very impressive stuff... you are a good writer!

    The whole world should wake up, not only America... I think many countries idolizes the "American way of life" (what ever that means), so maybe if America wakes up, the rest of the world will follow :)

    Ill keep reading your stuff!

  2. Thank you. I 100% agree ... I think despite the recession and a loss of prestige over the past 9 years. America is still in the drivers seat in many respects certainly economically and militarily. China is a rising star and a United Europe is playing an ever greater roll on the world stage ... yet America still has so much wealth and so much military might. The game is still ours to win or lose, and the sad thing is ... if we lose the game ... we aren't just going to hurt ourselves we will devastate many nations around the world. I sincerely hope we will wake up as a nation.

    Again its just random venting basically. I read things in the media, listen to people talk, get messages from clueless people on facebook, etc. and find that it helps to put my ideas down on paper. Always feel free to tell me I'm full of crap if you think so ... lol. I really enjoy hearing other peoples viewpoints. I'm a devotee of logic and reasoning and rational discourse. When someone shows me I'm wrong I really immediately admit it and go with it, learn from it and use it to strengthen my understanding of the world.
