Friday, October 30, 2009

Malthusian Relief??

Here is an interesting article regarding global fertility rates from the Economist, I just thought I'd share.


Very interesting. Too little too late in my opinion ... but ... perhaps a little ray of sunlight. I think that population is only one part of the puzzle. Wealth = increases in consumption ... as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. become more wealthy ... consumption rates go up. Natural resources are harvested at an ever increasing rate, as mineral prices rise mining activity increases, etc. etc. the planet is impacted to a greater extent. So while overall population is important ... in the world of globalization ... fertility rates really don't say anything in and of themselves. I hate to say such horrible things, but I have come to feel that unless there is a global catastrophe which wipes out a few billion people, our species is likely doomed. It might take another 500 years but I don't think we will make it ... I hope I'm wrong ... I really do.  To close I will simply site a figure from the article ... "Assuming fertility falls at current rates, says the UN, the world’s population will rise from 6.8 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050, at which point it will stabilize." Imagine a world with 9.2 billion people ... imagine ... can you really argue against my theory that we are doomed??


  1. I think Obama is a good man with good intentions... But how much can one man do? And how much power does president have in reality? Is he only a puppet hanging from governments fingers? If the real rulers (people with money) doesn´t want to heal America, what can anyone do?

    It´s good for the rich people that the poor stays poor... And when the proletarian get´s angry and want´s some renewal in the rotten system, it´s always handy to distract the nation with some mutual threat... like terrorists, and start a big scale war! Then no one notices the problems at home base.

  2. Yea-I agree with the notion that we are doomed. I have always believed our future survival will only be found someplace amoungst the stars. Sadly, because there is no money to be made there, we will not be prepared for what is to come.
